Sponsor Bucky


Bucky was found starving and shot in all four legs by Marion County Animal Control officers. He was lying in the bushes along the road when they rescued him and took him for emergency veterinary care.

It was discovered that Bucky, only 6 months old, had several fractures in his legs. Although he would most likely survive, he was going to take a long time to recover and might lose one of his hind legs to severe damage and infection.

Bucky's injuries were serious...but today he is able to run and play.

We agreed to bring Bucky to the sanctuary and create a treatment plan for him. Dr. Holly Samko at Blitchton Road Animal Hospital and her staff helped with the frequent bandaging and antibiotic treatments. Dr. Hammock and staff at Ferguson, Hammock and BonenClark donated costly treatment time in their equine hyperbaric chamber and Bucky's leg began to heal.

Bucky spent most of the time lying on the bed watching Animal Planet, as any recovering puppy would like.

He was unable to stand or walk on his own, so we carried him in and out of the house for potty breaks for the first 6 weeks. Bucky eventually gained weight, his legs healed. Though his hind leg is deformed from the injury, today he is able to run, play and swim with the other dogs at the sanctuary.

Bucky & Rowdy racing through the sanctuary.

Bucky is truly a miracle!

Read the News Article about Bucky.

Sponsor Bucky




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